LTW Youth Ministry
Our goal is to discuss relevant topics for today’s young people so that they can be confidently equipped with the truth of Jesus Christ. We are fostering relationships and a sense of community with structured weekly lessons as well as monthly youth sponsored worship events. Our goal as a faith community is to educate our young people with Biblical information and a Holy Spirit infused teaching each week. We facilitate a sense of community with service based projects as well as fun and entertaining events aimed at confirming the enjoyable and fruitful life available to all of us as spirit filled Christ followers. We also have a strong inclination to fine arts and we encourage our young people to explore the God given abilities they have been gifted with in order to further their influence on this world for Christ. We are open and accepting of all believers. We believe the body of Christ fits no preconceived mold and accordingly all are welcome in our youth group. Please join us each Sunday morning as we proclaim the truth of Christ and His impact on our daily lives.